Leopold and Loeb spent seven months planning the murder, the disposal of the body, and the method of receiving ransom money with little or no risk of being caught. They put their plot into motion on Wednesday, May 21, 1924. After a search, the pair finally decided upon Robert "Bobby" Franks, the son of Chicago millionaire Jacob Franks.
As Franks was walking home from the Harvard School For Boys (closed in 1962) in the Kenwood Area, Chicago, the 14-year-old boy -- who was both the neighbor and second cousin of Richard Loeb -- was lured into the passenger seat of their rented car. With Franks in the vehicle, one of them drove and the other one sat in the back armed with a chisel. It is not known who struck the first blow with the murder weapon. During the attack, a rag was stuffed into the schoolboy's mouth, and he died soon after.
Once apprehended, Leopold and Loeb retained Clarence Darrow as counsel for the defense. Darrow pleaded for leniency, and ultimately saved the two from death.
Leopold and Loeb were sentenced to life imprisonment. Loeb was killed by a fellow prisoner in 1936. Leopold was released on parole in 1958, and died of a heart attack at age 66 on August 29, 1971 in Puerto Rico.